Research for REGI Committee – Tools to support the territorial and urban dimension in cohesion policy: Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD)

ITIFor the 2014-2020 programming period the regulations encourage the usage of integrated and place-based oriented approaches to foster economic, social and territorial cohesion , at the same time putting a greater weight on urban development actions in order to attain the Europe 2020 Strategy goals. These territorial approaches can be implemented by using tools such as the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). The Partnership Agreements, between the Member States and the European Commission, should indicate how ITI and CLLD will be used by Member States and the types of areas and challenges that these mechanisms will address.C.S:

 C.S.  Parlamento Europeo  – PE 563.391 – Committee on Regional Development


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About the Author: Redazione ilMetropolitano

Il Quotidiano d’Approfondimento on line Il nasce nell’Ottobre del 2010 a Reggio Calabria, città in cui ha la propria sede, dal progetto di un gruppo di amici che vogliono creare una nuova realtà di informazione